
Ufficiale! Il tg1 parla apertamente di microchip rfid (video)

Esiste un oscuro progetto da parte del NWO (nuovo ordine mondiale) che ha come obiettivo quello di controllare l’intera popolazione globale usando la tecnologia. CE LO OBBLIGHERANNO INVENTANDO SCUSE DEL TIPO: CI SALVERÀ LA VITA, CI FARÀ RISPARMIARE,TERRÀ LONTANO I RAPINATORI ECC. MA LA VERITÀ È CHE DEVONO CONTROLLARCI! Stavolta non stiamo parlando di carte di credito intestate, di gps ecc. ecc. ma di un piccolissimo dispositivo che comprende tutte le funzionalità. SEGUICI SENZA CENSURE SU TELEGRAM


Inizieranno a pubblicizzarlo per avere diritto a degli sconti, diranno che servirà per la sanità, per acquistare medicine come sostituto della tessera sanitaria, diranno che ci salverà la vita in caso di infarti e ictus perché fungerà da salvavita, diranno che terrà lontano i rapinatori perché sostituirà il nostro denaro e quindi andremo in giro senza contanti ecc. Insomma faranno in modo che saranno le popolazioni stesse a richiederlo perché penseranno che il dispositivo semplifica la vita. Purtroppo la realtà è un’altra, con questo dispositivo controlleranno ogni nostro movimento, saremo codici a barre e non persone, saremo solo numeri, un globale gregge di pecore controllate senza alcuno sforzo da un pastore a distanza. Stiamo parlando del microchip sottocutaneo, alcuni già lo usano in Europa, alcuni già stanno abboccando alla trappola del NWO dando loro modo di sperimentarlo per bene.

25 commenti:

Stefano Di Cicco ha detto...

Se lo infilassero su per il culo un mega chip

Ingrid rayser ha detto...

Unknown ha detto...


Unknown ha detto...

Si su e ancora più su

ashandyariel ha detto...

Bravo se lo devono infilare li

Unknown ha detto...

Frega un cazzo, non ho un euro.

Costa ha detto...

Diventerà purtroppo obbligatorio come i vaccini, non ci lasceranno scelta questi bast****

nico ha detto...

Mi associo

Unknown ha detto...

Stefano Di Cicco , idem x me!!!

Unknown ha detto...


Bradley ha detto...

IM real and if you are inside From end user tunling you See LE of GOOG I'M BRADLEY I am hereto move for me Y be cuz I like to dance and I like to eat peaches. Plus I'm intelgent an have great views we could chat about and find the good in all

Bradley ha detto...

Does anyone want to know how I became CO V ID 19

Bradley ha detto...

Let's be proactive instead shall we building a multi AI System that ends temptation of man kind when the stakes are just to high and places the public's business in aray Ruby on rail protacal that insures success of there outlines an Revinews for our countries building efficienty and rappid grouth to this industry with 0 valnerbity to our selves and a nightmare for our competitors with the proper care of reco very and legal industry used recoving my accounts The Reporter can trans form to an AI data analysis of the of System excusing any human hardware like I said have a business outline and we will plug you in a UN AI will audit and will be made public also federal employees will have a mandatory system that makes there work translucent as to be a record of there works for the votes of there citezens let there work if there admin speak instead of all the I will bull shit I it become see I have done an our work gave the people of my state this an we plan to give this to a voating nation plans are set forth with integrity an checked up on to witness there success great people produce abundance of ritch nuricable fruits for are ecosystem to be my name is Mr.Myers Bradley Franklin our SMS txt will come from G cloud my number is +1 812 668 0068 you might have seen my face before it looks like this (?) I am a devlopment that needs this system now more than ever thank you and let's injoy a set it and forget it lifestyle our next billion users will adapt to there lives giving them maxinum gains with more time to spend there wealth an contribute to there counties Revinews After the recoveries it will bring our best interest that they have this time to travel :) hey I'm more than a simple Painter we for One are BRADLEY WITH MUCH LOVE AND HAPPY WAS TO COME Let's document more and edit less I have learned how to live and love my fellow man when my presents was being erased from exsestence. And I truly believe our greatest moments are just ahead. Tury yours Bradley Franklin Myers. Sapport and funding is needed for this business plan for our great planet called earth hope to here from my current parente companies and with they will adapt this plan to our infunstructior As I cried for it an beleave in all my heart that it's the best for evolution of mankind an the minds of our children the great leaders of tomorrow. Well that's my dance hope you enjoyed witnessing it. I am smiling so big thank you that's the best gift of All is 1)

Bradley ha detto...

This is Bradley again that is a mess and with auto correct contributing U said excluding human hardware an you can see the example of interferince I have do to conflect of interest.

Bradley ha detto...

The dev harbor system will and most give 0 valnerbity and wise guys that's with out any valnerbity for our banking industry so as I'm washing dishes Adam example of the most hungry we can all stand assure we will have a clean slaitto work from and no more sueing each other if any one will sue it will be ME the Original You at our store where we love to play and ¥£$ fries with that French to be exactly correct.

Bradley ha detto...

As an example what was that Adam BS

Bradley ha detto...

I said Truly not T U R Y
I want to keep my head and my feet TI
I seen your axe. True hard ware

Bradley ha detto...

I trust the sattle light keeps me safe after this I may need more than that after the VAN I can't trust a car.

Bradley ha detto...

Much love and happiness is to come You goverments need to see your works cc before you bad mouth Good Fellows don't forget WHO pays your house payments damn it be proactive I am aware who butters my begle.

Bradley ha detto...

Bagle hold the smuckers please

Unknown ha detto...

Se gran parte di italiani sono pecore succede così!!! Devono svegliarsi!!!

Anonimo ha detto...

Ribellione civile

Stefania kumim ha detto...

Anch io

Anonimo ha detto...

Un umano non ha alcun potere per controllare il suo simile. Attenzione è una trappola il microchip sprigiona veleno. Guerra popoli contro potenti e salveremo la razza umana.

Anonimo ha detto...

Io mi rifiuto categoricamente speriamo che non ci siano tanti pecoroni che abboccano

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